PCD Board of Directors

Mary Dinski

  • DescriptioMary Dinkski is Deputy Executive Director of the Fiver Children’s Foundation as well as a Hamilton Town Council Member.

    “Growing up in Hamilton has helped me to recognize and appreciate the importance of a strong community. Serving on the PCD board allows me to support and help strengthen a community that has given so much to me over the years.”n text goes here

Mary Dinski

Mary Dinkski is Deputy Executive Director of the Fiver Children’s Foundation as well as a Hamilton Town Council Member.

“Growing up in Hamilton has helped me to recognize and appreciate the importance of a strong community. Serving on the PCD board allows me to support and help strengthen a community that has given so much to me over the years.”

Corey Mosher
Vice President

Corey Mosher is a fourth-generation farmer and a partner in Mosher Farms in Bouckville.

Corey Mosher
Vice President

Corey Mosher is a fourth-generation farmer and a partner in Mosher Farms in Bouckville.

Russ Lura
Village Rep

Russ Lura is currently retired, after serving as the Madison County Planning Director for 22 years and as assistant to the Chairman of the Madison County Board of Supervisors and budget officer for 3 years. He has been on the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees for 10 years.

Russ Lura
Village Rep

Russ Lura is currently retired, after serving as the Madison County Planning Director for 22 years and as assistant to the Chairman of the Madison County Board of Supervisors and budget officer for 3 years. He has been on the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees for 10 years.

Peter Radosta

Peter Radosta works as an environmental engineer, serving municipalities with drinking water and wastewater treatment solutions for regulatory compliance and infrastructure improvements.

“Being involved with PCD is a rewarding way to be engaged in the vitality of our community, and to share personal experiences and skill sets collaboratively with other volunteers and PCD staff. The Hamilton area breathes everything I revere––outdoor recreation, all-things-local, and the charm of rural living.”

Peter Radosta

Peter Radosta works as an environmental engineer, serving municipalities with drinking water and wastewater treatment solutions for regulatory compliance and infrastructure improvements.

“Being involved with PCD is a rewarding way to be engaged in the vitality of our community, and to share personal experiences and skill sets collaboratively with other volunteers and PCD staff. The Hamilton area breathes everything I revere––outdoor recreation, all-things-local, and the charm of rural living.”