Our Mission
The PCD is a nonprofit partnership between the Village of Hamilton, Town of Hamilton, and Colgate University that works to enhance sustainable economic opportunity and community vitality in Hamilton and the surrounding areas.
The History
In August 1998, representatives from the Town, Village, and Colgate University met to discuss opportunities for a cooperative project that would revitalize the local economy and enhance quality of life for residents. This was the first time in recent memory that the town, village, and university had come together to discuss their common concerns. Major issues raised included small business development, downtown facade improvements, and restoring the Village Green.
The Partnership for Community Development was incorporated as a non-profit in 1999. In keeping with the collaborative nature of our founding, we bring together our three partners as well as other local governments and community organizations to facilitate collaborative projects. Although our base of operations is in Hamilton, we understand that true prosperity and sustainability happens on a regional scale, with diverse partners working together.